Thursday 24 July 2014

Natural Beauty Remedies For Oil Free Skin

Oily skin has created many problems like pimples along with other embarrassing blemishes for human beauty. It's a big problem for human beauty, which means you should to take some steps a beauty. Some vitamin B2 rich foods are nuts, beans, wheat germs, grains etc. go ahead and take protein rich food to avoid the oily skin. Reduce the foods like chocolates, fried items, alcohols etc. This oily skin makes you early aging, wrinkles on the face etc. 

Oil skin is among the skin types. This is not the natural type of skin so you can free from this oil skin. Cleaning two times a day is good to treat the oily skin. Make use of the glycerin soap to remove the dirt and dust on the oil skin face. Clean the makeup before you go to bed. Vitamin B2 is the reason for the oily skin. So add some vitamin B2 rich food in your diet. Here we are presenting some natural beauty tips that, you can apply on your face and get glowing skin.

  • Take a crab apple, mash it making a paste. You need to apply this paste in your face and neck. Stay this paste for 20 minutes then rinse it with lukewarm water. It is a best moisturize for oily skin.
  • Make a mixture of sandalwood powder with water. Now apply this mix on your face and neck but avoid to eye area. Leave it for 10 mixtures until to dry. Then rinse it with cold water.
  • Mix the 1 tbsp lemon juice with cold water and put it on on the oily skin .Leave it for 10- 15 minutes then wash using the glycerin soap. Now your skin is oily free. This is actually the tip followed from the days of old.
  • Almond Honey Scrub: Blend few almonds with honey. Massage softly (don’t scrub) the paste on your skin. After 10-15 minutes cleanse the face with cold water.
  • Wash the face thoroughly and apply aloe vera gel on your face & allow it to dry. You may refrigerate the gel to obtain a refreshing and cooling effect. You can apply aloe Vera gel in your face two to three times each day as per your convenience.


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